Wisdom, Wit and Whatnot | Volume Five

I cleaned the dishes then wiped down every counter in our new kitchen. Then unloaded, reloaded and folded the mounding laundry from last weeks trip to Colorado. I clicked Google Chrome with full intention to start this blog—but I’m not going to lie guys, I felt so overwhelmed that my procrastination continued. I clicked Instagram. Like. Like. Like. Facebook. Scroll. Any new messages? Hm, what does this button do? Focus Lacey. Write the blog. Pandora. Checked my text messages. AHHH! Focus. So there you have it. My mental status before this post. Our lives have been like CRAZY hectic that the thought of trying to verbalize what all has happened these last three weeks is like laks;kfsadkfjas;dkfj;asldfkjs. (If you’re confused, no. That’s not a word. That’s what my brain feels like right now!) But alas, for you my friends, I shall try.

-So my sister in law got MARRIED! Yes, MARRIED! (I have to keep telling myself it’s now Ashley Foote, not Morefield! As you can see from tonights post, I do a lot of talking to myself. Don’t be alarmed. It’s totally normal). So guys she’s a wife and I’m all like the proud sister cheering her on in the corner!

-Also, you know those crazy stories every bride has from their wedding? Well, Ashley’s didn’t disappoint! The morning of her wedding, in an attempt to cut the annoying clear straps off Ash’s dress, my mother in law accidentally snipped the strap off her wedding dress! YES!! True story. And yes. Totally got permission before retelling the tale! Hehehe Ashley was surprisingly calm (like SURPRISINGLY….like, she looked like she had just got a massage and drank a cup of hot tea. Barely batted an eye calm). #totallyimpressed And yes. She was sown up and ready to go like nothing ever happened by the time pictures started! Botta-bing, botta-boom!

-So, as one of the matrons of honor I gave a speech. Yes, the girl who took speech online (trust me, it’s a thing) GAVE A SPEECH! Hahaha but what’s even funnier is countless people told me I was a natural! Oh buddy! I guess I should shoot my online professor a thank you one of these days! 😉

-Two days before the wedding we closed on our first house (WHAAAAAT! This one is still sinking in!) and one day after we began moving! Apparently wearing high heels for 10+ hours at the wedding the day before takes a toll on your feet. Like, an “I can’t walk” toll. Awesome timing. (I’m going into the doctor tomorrow……might be a stress fracture or break. I’ll keep you all updated!) ANYWAYS, all sorts of celebrating that my sister was in town and helped me move our closets to our new place. And she’s pregnant guys! (Shesh! What’d I tell you?????? SO MUCH TO SHARE!) In case you’re lost, from this bullet point you should take away 1) Possible broken foot. 2) My sister rocks and 3) I’m going through the aunt celebrations all over again!

-Family and church family was our lifeline on moving day! No joke. Trucks, muscles, mini fridges to borrow while we waited for our new one, meals, unpacking, rearranging etc etc etc. I love the heck out of you guys! I’m blowing kisses to all of you!

-So then three days after that we turned around and hit the road to Saint Louis where Michael’s college roommate was getting married! We got to stay downtown, do a quick photo shoot of our dear friends and neighbors (see here) & drink coffee at a hole in the wall shop! My FAVORITE! (Also, Michael is beginning to enjoy coffee. Mission accomplished!) Side note: totally wore wedges to the wedding. Looked cute. Not a good idea for the foot. Refer to above point. Smooth Lace. Smooth.

-We brunched HARD with our dear friends Saturday morning before hitting the road back to KC! Like I’m talking pastries, eggs, bacon, sausage, fresh fruit, homemade lattes, Oj hard! Laughing with our friends did my heart worlds of good. And no, we’re not pregnant, but seeing Michael with their five littles was like, “Wow! THIS guy!” #luckyladyhere

-From here we were back in KC for seven days. Muffie (that’s my mom for all y’all who don’t know….you can ask me the story next time we see each other), came into town and was a BOSS at helping our house become a home! If anyone needs a mom who will kick your to do lists in the booty, this is your woman!!! We unpacked boxes that were LITERALLY bombed all throughout our garage, basement and subbasement and unpacked every. Last. ONE! Organized, decorated (fingers crossed I can give you all a mini tour next week!) and I can even pull my car into our garage! Dude. YES!

-This also called for eating lots of ice cream sandwiches.

-So much so we went to the store to pick up more and as I was walking down the frozen isle, on the end cap I spotted “Skinny Pop.” Like SERIOUSLY!? Who wanted to guilt trip me as I was picking up my ice cream? I guess it didn’t bother me too long. I picked up not one, but TWO boxes of ice cream sandwiches! Take that Skinny Pop!

-Moose like LOVES his backyard guys! (I don’t know how we survived without one for these last almost four years!) It’s hilarious! I wish I could have you all over to watch. He’ll go out and run SO hard and SO fast in tight circles that he’s literally doing flips and rolls in the backyard! Michael and I will watch from the kitchen and die laughing! Apparently our neighbors get some free entertainment too because they told us they watch from their kitchen too! HAHAH!

-Okay, so that gets us seven more days. Muffie flies home and we RE-pack for a trip to Colorado! That’s right! Michael led our high school youth group to a week retreat to Estes Park!

-I’ve learned a 9.5 hour drive takes a LOT longer with 29 people (*ehm* bladders), dance parties can in fact happen in the back seat whilst driving down the highway, for some reason the trend of me bringing a banana and “saying” I am going to eat it then don’t continues and if we stop at McDonalds to eat dinner I’m just going to get ice cream. All these things totally happened.

-During the soccer tournaments one day I wore capris. There was a nice breeze, but we were MUCH closer to the sun. This means I got a glorious shin tan! Jealous much? Oh, and an unmentioned person from our youth (don’t ask me, I won’t tell) may or may not have broken someone’s ankle. (And yes. She did).

-Also, you can function on much less sleep than you think.

-Can we take a second and talk about the mountains?! Maybe it’s my childhood Colorado girl in me, but I fell in love all over again! Like the whole shebang. Starry-eyed, staring and talking about them all the time. I was totally crushing.

-The conference was put on by RYM (Reformed Youth Ministries). If you’ve never gone–SO GOOD! Truth was spewing out everywhere & youth and leader alike were trying to soak everything in! I’ve told Michael before, but I love our youth group!!! Watching them come together, share, develop deeper friendships and worship was incredible! I was so blessed to be there!

-So Michael had us share what we were praying God would do that week. My prayer was develop deeper friendships–and although I grew so much closer with many people the person I didn’t expect God to answer my prayer through was a deeper relationship with Michael. Every night I watched him in his role my heart could have exploded! His humility, his leadership, his wisdom, his passion for Jesus overflowed and seeing him in the gifts that God has blessed him was incredible! There’s something about getting be a part of that first hand. So all that to say I fell in love with Michael all over again.

-Speaking of–it was HIS BIRTHDAY! 26 baby! If you see him, wish him a belated birthday!!!!

-Then we drove back, celebrated Father’s Day (and I don’t want to brag or anything but my Father in law made THE BEST smoked ribs with homemade BBQ sauce!) Oh, and we spent the night at his parents house because that’s what cool twenty year old couples do. Did I mention we loved every second of it!?!? Because we totally did!!!!

-Today we got FREE Chick-fil-a! The story isn’t as significant as the fact that we got FREE Chick-fil-a!!!!!

-FEWF! And all that leads me to today! This morning my mother in law (the goddess of gardening as I shall further refer to her as), taught me her ways! We looked at our house and made a game plan for the Fall, drank coffees together and planted a few big ole arrangements for the front entry in pots! *Insert heart eyes emoji! Oh I can’t wait for the finished product–but until this, this will have to do for the teaser!!! The goddess worked her magic.

-And since I just wrote you a complete book series, I think we both deserve something special. Coffee? Dessert? Maybe both? I’m sure you burned it off reading the above mentioned book! 😉