Conti Family | Purple Painted City

Chelsea is like my Michigan self. Really. She is. She has an inner (not so secret) craftsy soul. She is also one of my sister’s dear friends! And she shares a love of coffee (which her and James so sweetly offered to buy me a cup during the middle of our cold, dreary shoot!) So when Chelsea and James wanted me to take their pictures I knew it would be a fun time! Not to mention they are positively gorgeous people!!!

Chelsea would send me emails counting down the days, links to possible locations, share ideas, and then (wait for it) she bought a PURPLE TRENCH COAT! I was in love with their shoot even BEFORE their shoot! Saturday rolled around…rain and all.

But it was all perfect! Perfect setting for Chelsea’s coat and their umbrella. Perfect ambiance for a warm cup of coffee. Perfect stage to paint the city purple.