Cable Family Pictures | Loose Park

The easy part would be taking the pictures. I knew that from the beginning. The hard part–the hard part was figuring out what I wanted to say about the Cables. I knew from the start that there wouldn’t be enough space here to fill all that Ritchey and Melissa have meant to Michael and I. But I have to begin somewhere….

So I guess I’ll take you back to the start, to the time when God (in His beautiful foreknowledge) decided to reveal to us the next section of our journey. We knew from the start that Ritchey and Melissa were different. We knew we wanted to be friends with them–friends beyond the surface. We knew without a doubt that God was pointing with bright lights and arrows to Kansas City, MO! And there couldn’t be a more caring, kind couple to welcome us here.

I remember the first time I had coffee with Melissa. I believe we talked for over two hours (and we could have kept going!) Our time included iced coffee and homemade cookies as well as a housewarming gift of the cutest patio mat that still welcomes everyone that walks into our home! (Melissa was speaking my love language right from the start!) But I think the thing that stood out the most to me was before I left, she asked if she could pray with me. Transition was hard, so very hard. And as we sat on the steps in her house tears welled up in my eyes, emotions in my heart–they were only calmed by the prayers she lifted up on my behalf. And that is one of first memories I have with Melissa.

And if there could ever be a more fitting counterpart as her husband, it would be Ritchey! He daily encouraged Michael, protected him, went out of us way to take watch over him. He prayed for us, with us. He carries himself humbly, leads our church graciously, selflessly. The Cables! What a family!!! Mine and Michael’s cup is full and overflowing!

The more we get to know them, the more we love being their friends! Like our game nights, dinners, and birthday celebrations together. Like our spontaneous movie nights (even when they end after midnight!) Like our double dates to BRGR. And we’ve only been here four months!! I can’t wait to see what memories we’ll make years down the road! So Ritchey, Melissa (and your lively crew!) may these pictures bless you! But know they will only scratch the surface in blessing you the way you’ve blessed us!!!
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