Harris Family | It’s a Small World

It’s a small world.

No but seriously. It is. It’s such a small world. Let me tell you how I met the Harris family. So they used to live in Michigan where they attended Berean (their home church) whose youth pastor, come to find out, was eventually hired as the lead pastor at MY home church in Colorado….what!? I know. Stick with me.

Then my wonderful older sister got married to an amazing man named Gabe who then was hired at the HARRIS’ church back in Michigan! Time went on and the Harris’ job took them to Kansas City (come to find out, near the same place my husband grew up!) Enter Lacey Rene Studios. They stumbled upon my photography and realized that they were going to be in Saint Louis the weekend they needed family pictures done.

What’d I tell you? Small world.

But besides the (let’s be honest) amazing way our paths crossed, their story is so sweet. They adopted their son John ten years ago. It was then they made a family tradition to take pictures every year in memory of his adoption. The day we did their shoot marked the tenth year anniversary!!!

And I got to be a part of it all! So now let’s make the world a little smaller, and let you be a part of it too.