The Truest Tribe | Personal

It takes a tribe, they say.

There is so much talk of finding your “tribe.” Your faithful followers. The people that walk beside you, that come behind you, that encourage you forward. The community that–no matter what–is there to cheer you on. The people that unconditionally accept you; your quirks, your characteristics and your eccentric mannerisms. They are the ones that laugh when your awkward moments of quick wit leave the room quiet. They are the ones that see all the dirt, the grim and still accept you as you are. They are the ones that know you’re anything but perfect and stay committed to being there for you through the journey of this unpredictable, unknown thing called life.

I’ve been evaluating, contemplating. Do I have a tribe? Are there a group of people who know me inside and out, flipped backwards and forwards and still choose to say, “Yes. I’m a part of HER tribe!” Were there clients who loved not only my work, but my personality so much that they wanted to know me. Like really know me? And sometimes with self evaluation comes doubts, questions. Sometimes the tide of skepticism full of fear, full of hesitation comes rolling over the horizon and you just know it’ll wash you away.

And then there it was. The moment I realized my truest tribe. The one who has been with me through the beginning and who I know will be with me to the end. Those with the same blood. Those I call my family.


I began to think back to when my dreams started to bud. Where there was but a glimpse of creativity growing inside me–and my parents, the start of my tribe–watered that inclination. They bought me my first camera. They oohed and awed at just about any picture I showed them. They saw deeper than the “phase” others thought I was in. They saw a flicker of passion and believed that it could be more. They, with gentleness, waved their armed and watched as the oxygen ignite the flame. They, the founding members of my tribe, smiled. They knew what even I didn’t know at the time. Something greater was happening inside me. And they believed.

Then there are my siblings, whether by blood or by marriage.
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Who saw me exactly as I was. Who inspired me to be anything but ordinary. Who saw my creativity and proclaimed that there was nothing like it. When I lacked confidence, their words echoed back to me. They eagerly wanted to be a part of my passion! They took genuine interest, they loved me and willingly “modeled” for me as I tried to grasp a yet deeper concept with the camera that now seemed to be an extension of me. In the Spring, in the sun, in the snow, in the Fall….they were there. They are vital members. My tribe.


My mother and father in law. Oh how marriage is a beautiful thing and yet they became a part of my tribe by choice. They genuinely stood beside me. They listened as I cried with my fears to them. They encouraged and reminded me of growth, of answered prayer. They journeyed alongside me….down in the valleys of uncertainty and up to the top of the mountains of celebration. I sought counsel and they gave it.

Then there are my grandparents. Who paid for my first photography education retreat. They are the ones that affirmed my dreams and listened to my heart. The ones who spell checked my posts. They too are part of my tribe.


And then the member I would be nothing without. Michael. The one who cheered me on, who lifted me high and spun me around as I proclaimed exciting news. The one who knew when to be silent and just hold me as I cried. The one who encouraged me to learn, to grow to my fullest potential. The one who believed in me who my confidence was nothing. The one who spoke the words of truth I needed to hear when they were hard to say. The one who came to every wedding I shot at to hold my equipment, to be by my side, and just to experience the journey with me. The one who shared in my fears of new beginnings and in my dreams of hopes to come. The one who knew each thought in my head by each expression on my face. The one who saw me through each season–good or bad.

This is my tribe.
As more are added each day, these are the ones standing tight around me. Arms linked. The ones in front of me, helping smooth the path. The ones behind me, pushing me forward.

This is my truest tribe.