The Art of Apparel | July & August Edition

These last couple months have brought some fun outfit combos with it! But before we go there…lets have an honest talk about short hair. (Haha didn’t see me going there now did ya??) I’m in the middle of half way growing my hair out…kinda. Was that confusing? Yeah, to me too. Basically what I’m trying to tell you is I have no idea whether to keep my hair short or grow it back out. Right now it’s in this middle stage. So because I’m in incredibly indecisive person, I decided to ask you all! Shoot me a message on Instagram (HERE  then hit the three dots in the top right corner and “Send Message) or email me ( I’m totally being serious. Help! What should I do??? Taking votes….

Alright! Fewf! Since we’ve cleared the air, onto business!!

1) Yep. Overalls. I’m going to be honest with you. I totally feel like I’m channeling my inner child in these! For some reason they take extra courage to wear (maybe because they are a bit outside my comfort zone) but I think that’s part of what this whole section of my blog is about! So if you dare to journey out with me, I loved pairing these overalls from Gap with some wedges!

2) I think accessories in outfits are a huge part of the fun (whether that be jewelry, scarves, shoes etc). But for this particular outfit it’s the belt! Now, don’t judge, but this is actually a hair scarf! I loved the pattern and knew this outfit needed a little something-something! Sometimes thinking outside the box of what “should” go pays off! What pieces of fabric do you have that you could use in a different way than they were intended?

3) Lets talk about nothing new! I believe I’ve had this dress for over 5 years! And as much as I love accessorizing, sometimes taking it back to the basics is what it’s all about! A simple pair of sandals and a strapless dress (yes okay. And lets not forget the sunglasses!) Do you have a dress you’ve owned for years? Try pulling it out and adding sunglasses to it! I just might bet it’ll work!

4) These pants are just all the yeses in the world! They are sooo comfortable and versatile! Great for a casual night out or a comfortable night in! Paired with a tank top and you’ve got yourself the perfect outfit!