Two Thousand and Seventeen Business Favorites | Looking Back

Looking back to see what has happened is something so special and I’ll be first to admit I don’t do it nearly enough! There is a beauty in pausing and reflecting. I think we get so caught up in “what’s next” that the awe of what has happened is often forgotten. So 2017, may I look and see your beauty, your growing pains, your friendships you’ve brought. May I happily interrupt my daily living and continuous looking ahead to see behind. It’s something the Lord commands us to do–to remember His faithfulness, to look at the path we’ve come from to gain confidence for whatever He has ahead of us…

I think of this last year and I’m instantly reminded of ‘business’ friendships that have grown, deepened and blossomed. I put business in quotes because lets be honest–they are so much more than “business” friends. They are friends who have met me for coffee, who have asked me how I was REALLY doing? Friends that show up on my porch with a thing of flowers because they know it had been a rough day. Friends that instantly after we met we knew it was for the long haul, that text me hilarious GIFS that they knew I’d get. Friends who are also photographers that have become dear to me (I’m looking at you Beth, Kayla, Abby….) This last year my business reminded me that photography is only the beginning of something so much more beautifully deep that is happening. It’s the entrance to relationships and doing seasons of life with them…
I think of trying new things–of starting a blog series featuring KC vendors. Of getting to be a real part of peeling the curtains back into the dreams in others hearts….and then come alongside them in a small way to help.
I think of winter weddings…
And destination weddings….
And all the seasons in between that have held in them beautiful weddings that have led to beautiful marriages and being a part of beautiful lives….Of families that have entrusted me to stop this season of their lives with images that don’t just tell a story…but tells their story…

And sometimes it’s the joy of being my own family…
Or those starting their own family…
Of engagements and high school seniors and the excitement in times to come…
Sometimes with rainbows…
Sometimes fountains…
And others with light that will take your breath away…
Two thousand and seventeen has been one that held styled shoots and stepping beyond comfort zones….
My prayer as this year comes to a close is not just that memories with live on, but that lives have been touched, changed. That relationships that begun would grow strong and sturdy. That next year I can look back at 2017 and say—“See Gods hand? See His faithfulness? He is the same.” So with this kind of joyful expectation for what is ahead, 2018 I open the door…