Good Fruit | Heart & Home

If you’ve been following for a while now, you’ll remember that this year I’ve been going through Lara Casey’s Cultivate Powersheets in setting good goals and the practical steps to doing so! (If you missed my word of the year & beginning of the story CLICK HERE!)

With each start to a new month, the Powersheets walk you through steps in looking back at the good and bad and lessons the people who impacted you, encouraged you etc through the previous month. Such an intentional step in not letting good things (or things that need changed) left unnoticed! So I sat down on our couch this weekend, lit my Cinnamon Chai Woodwick candle (thank you Mama Mo!) and with Moose curled up beside me and I began looking back.

Listing people who encouraged me this last month.
Writing good goals that got accomplished.
Penciling in words what I need to give myself grace on.
And then I came to: Lesson I Learned This Month.

If you tag along with me on Instagram, you know this last month wasn’t easy as my feet gave out. It was filled with doctors appointments, blood work and X-rays. Thankfully it also came with a diagnosis which included a month recovery. And if you’ve ever had a foot related injury, you’ll know that everything (yes EVERYTHING) revolves around your feet! Like walking to the kitchen. Like doing dishes. Like running errands. Like meeting up with friends. Like doing laundry. And with healing comes patience.

I think it’s a recurring theme in my life right now.

And so, as I sat on the couch I began writing my lesson from January:
Patience is good fruit! Learn to let it grow! 

So friends, if you’re going through a season of waiting or healing or delay or _____ (you fill in the blank), remind yourself that patience is good fruit that takes time to grow! And if you need someone to encourage you in that time, reach out to me, I promise I’ll understand! Let’s start this new month growing good fruit together!