The Mallins | Mutual Friends

Mutual friends of mine and MIchaels introduced us to the Mallins. They were like, “Hey! We know this couple who are moving to Saint Louis that I think you guys will LOVE!” (You’ve got that right!!!) The very first time we met Victor and Mallory was at a picnic in the park with the Mosers (said mutual friends), the Mallins (beautiful people in pictures below), and the Morefields (us of course!) We stayed way past the sun had set talking, eating, and playing frisbee (clue number one that we were going to be great friends). I clearly remember Michael saying as we drove away, “I REALLY like them! I think we could be close friends” And boy was he right!!! 

The second clue? Let me take you to the next time Michael and I hung out with the Mallins. We completely missed our event (didn’t plan for all the traffic…hehe classic). So we improvised people! Free-spirits! Like ’em already! We spent over an hour in traffic laughing at crazy people around us, then approximately 15 minutes at the ACTUAL event, followed by us speeding over to Ted Drewes to grab frozen custard before they closed. All in all, wonderful night! 

Victor and Mallory are two of the most genuine people I know. What you see is what you get. (Clue number three!) They are people Michael and I have quickly become deep friends with–thank you Mosers! If you are in the need of some fun-loving, down to earth, Jesus-lovin’ (oh and did I mention GORGEOUS!) friends, I’d be happy to be your mutual friend.