You Know You’re a Photographer When…

It all started when I was driving to my in-laws house. Then I noticed it. Those magnificent, glorious, beautiful—–weeds. Yes, I was driving in my car admiring the beauty of the weeds! I chuckled to myself (and don’t tell anyone, had a mini conversation with my dog in the backseat). Then it hit me. There are a select number of people in the world who would get this. Who understand–that this my friends–is not abnormal.

And that group of people would be….

Ha! We do some things quote-on-quote “normal” people would not do. As I started thinking through my list, I was all out laughing. Like, belly laughing. (Man, it’s a good thing someone doesn’t video record what I do when I drive!)

You know you’re a photographer when you see a family of strangers in the grocery store standing by the baked goods and you stop to admire how their outfits compliment each other! And then well—tell them how great they look together! Because all you can think about is how perfect they would look in a picture. (Yes, this has happened. And yes, of course I told them!)

You know when you’re returning home from getting groceries and you slam on your breaks to admire a field. A field of weeds. Because THIS PLACE IS GLORIOUS!

You know you’re a photographer when you’re on a date with your husband and want to take a selfie, but refuse to unless the lighting is just right. (HOLLA!)

You know when you’re walking around downtown and while your friends are looking at clothes–you’re looking at the angled staircases, the rustic arches and broken down walkways thinking, “Look at those leading lines!!!”

You know when you wake up at an ungodly hour because nothing beats the golden rays haloing a clients hair, or you stay up till an ungodly hour because nothing beats the feeling of success after you edit a gorgeous shoot. Sleep isn’t an issue. Because well–photographers–you know.

You know when your friend gets engaged and deep inside you just want to “borrow”
her engagement ring for the afternoon to test out your new Nikon 105mm f2.8 macro lens.

You know you’re a photographer when you have so many pictures of you and your significant other it could be a flip book. Or when you kindly ask your husband to wear the outfit you’ve picked out for yet another photo shoot (What? It’s a new season! That’s just what we do, right?)

You know you’re a photographer when you get just as excited about a new Lightroom tutorial as a Youtube sensation that’s trending.

You know when you pass a couple taking a picture and it takes everything inside you not to “suggest” to move five steps to the left because the framing is better.

Because guys, when you’re a photographer—
you know.