How to Make Your Workday Count | For the Small Business Owner

There is constantly one million things screaming for your attention.

I get it. I totally do.

To intensify the situation, every time “YES!”–another item checked off the list, suddenly you find 7 more. What!? How in the world did that just happen?? I feel ya. Today was one of those days. You know, one of the “if-I-have-to-do-one-more-thing-I’m-probably-going-to-breakdown-in-a-corner-and-cry” days.

But thankfully we’re just supposed to make the most of THIS day–and over the years of small business owning, I’ve found five ways that help me do just that!

1) Prepare the Day Before
I’ve found that some of my most productive days in the office are the ones that start the day before. What in the world do I mean? Let me explain. At the end of my day, right before I’m going to shut down the million (okay, 20) tabs that are open on my computer, I do something that changes my whole attitude for the next day. I pull up my list and write down everything that I hope to accomplish the next day. Not only does this unload my brain so I’m not thinking about it the entire night as I’m trying to relax with Michael, but it also keeps me focused on the tasks that need done immediately as I entire the office in the morning! (Extra tip: Don’t group major tasks together! Break things down into separate items so you’re not overwhelmed by the project in front of you! This helps you celebrate tiny victories and keeps you going throughout the day! For example, if you need to update your website don’t write down: “Update Website,” instead break down your list into individual sections that you hope to accomplish like, “Update welcome banner pictures” “Add blog search drop down bar” etc)

2) Prioritize Please
Know what needs done–and what needs done now! Contrary to what your mind might be telling you, every. single. thing on your list does not–in fact–have to be done at this very moment! Order and rank your list. It helps! (Extra tip: I have different sections on my to do list. One is titled, “Immediate To Do” one is just “To Do” and then in a completely different page so my mind doesn’t get overwhelmed, I have an ongoing list of all the things that I “Hope To Do.” The immediate to do section lets me know “Lacey! Get into gear and get this done!” My “To Do” section includes things that I hope to get done by the end of the week…aka: small goals. And my “Hope To Do” lists are for those times I’ve completed everything and don’t know what to face next. I just pull up section and it refocuses my long term goals! That way I don’t waste my time and projects are continually being completed!)

3) Push Pause
Take breaks throughout your day! I’ve tried so hard to try to push through the entire day without leaving my desk…I’m sure we all know how that ended up! Not good people. Not good. Zoned, tired, distracted (and most likely on Facebook). But I’ve found that when I actually step away from my computer, I’m wayyy more productive the rest of the day! Taking the time to let go of all “the things” actually refocuses my attention when I come back to my computer and keeps me in a positive mindset for the rest of the day! (Extra tip: Try reading for 30 minutes outside after lunch or taking your dog for a walk! Call a friend or water your flowers! Do something that gets you moving! I promise this works!)

4) Pay Attention to Your Rhythm
We each have our own individual rhythm! When I start in the morning I’m ready to rock and roll–so I try to accomplish all my hard tasks right off the bat!! But after 2 pm I’m a completely different Lacey! What does this mean? I leave all my easy (read: don’t need to be focused) jobs for the afternoon! (Extra tip: Take a couple days and try a few different schedules. See which one works best for you! It might be the complete opposite of mine! And that’s okay!)

5) Put it Away 
This point may seem strange included in a post that is titled “How to Make Your Workday Count.” But it’s maybe the most important point! I’ve learned that when Michael gets home, that’s it. I’m finished. He means more to me than photography. So, I have to know when to put it away! Rest. Relax. And honestly, I’ve found that resting actually makes me MORE excited to get to work the next day! Not to mention I’m physically and mentally ready to tackle the day! (Extra tip: This one can be hard! I so agree! Ask someone in your life to help keep you accountable! Michael gently reminds me when I’m working longer than I should or pushing too much–and I need that to keep me in check! Having a voice to speak to you when you can’t hear your own is the best!)