Wisdom, Wit & Whatnot | Volume Thirteen

It’s 6:08 pm and I realized, “Oh no! I haven’t written my blog for tonight!!!” Usually I write all the content for all my Thursday night blogs the first week of the month and then have them auto timed (life saver!!), but tonight I sit before you in my sweatpants in shame with no post to magically hit the web.

I was going to write something educational–or possibly something downright brilliant–but then I remembered Moose decided it was play time at 3:03 am this morning so now I can hardly keep my eyes open. Not cool buddy. Not cool. Friends, I grieves me to say we will never see if this post was going to be a work of genius. Instead–welcome to the random inner workings of my mind. And…I’m sorry.

-Last Friday Michael and I went to the High School production of Beauty and the Beast! Besides it being an awesome performance (I’m looking at you Gashland peps!) Michael and I decided we needed to bring candy into the show. I had a new purse (see last Wisdom, Wit and Whatnot here), and it’s much smaller in size than my previous purse. My last purse at any given time I could be carrying around my wallet, business cards, phone (..all normal right? You didn’t let me finish)…spoons, old photo I.D’s from two years ago, countless bobby pins, clips, pony tail bands, boarding tickets from past vacations, a tape measure, a good 20 pens, multiple boxes of mints etc etc etc. (Want me to go on? I totally can!) Well, this purse is much smaller which makes my candy smuggling difficult. So what do I do? Take everything out of my new cute, small purse and only carry in candy! Ohhh yeah. Normal out the outside, party on the inside!!!! (ENTER RANDOM SIDE NOTE: Does anyone else here really like Crunch bars? I mean, like, seriously like them? Michael informed me it was one of his favorite candies and I seriously considered his stability. It’s just chocolate and krispies! Input would be appreciated. We have a long standing debate about above mentioned subject).

-And in case candy wasn’t enough sugar during the show, we decided to go out for ice cream at Sonic afterwards with friends! Awesome idea except it was -39 degrees! (Okay, not really. But it basically).

-If you’ve lived in a box the last 80 years, you eat outside when you go to Sonic with friends. So out we go! Cold wind whipping, probably some snowflakes (again, not really. But basically) and yes, sandals. But being the prepared photographer that I am, I just so happened to have extra blankets in my trunk for sessions! (Okay, I like to think that. One blanket was for photo shoots and I think the other one I still had in my trunk from a cross country trip Michael took months ago. That one was from laziness). But there we were, all 12 of us huddled together wrapped in blankets eating ice cream!

-And because my brain works in rabbit trails, I feel like you should know the lazy blanket I had in my trunk was last used when my mom and I went to the movies and she (I kid you not) carried in a twin size comforter to the theatre to wrap around herself so she wouldn’t get cold!!! I’m not making this stuff up people! First that and then Sonic! I can only imagine what will be next….

-On Tuesday I decided to “reward myself” (that’s what I say to make myself fell less guilty that I’m not doing work), and plant my garden!!! Let me tell you, I’ve not always been good at keeping things alive! A couple years ago when we lived in our rental house I think I killed everything. Granted, I blame that on the fact that there were tons of spiders right near the hose and so fear dictated the decision to leave well enough alone. I’ve learned in the last couple years that apparently, when you water things–they grow!

-I spent 8+ hours envisioning, digging, planting, flower shopping! People this is my new happy place! There is something so rewarding in working and getting dirty. In sweat and digging on hands and knees to make something beautiful! I listened to a podcast by Lara Casey this week (SO GOOD! Go to her blog and listen to it here!) How many awesome life lessons there are in gardening!! In tilling the ground and space you’re uniquely given, in tending to it, in doing the hard work, in preparing for growth, in embracing the truth that when we care for things little by little they will grow, in leaning into the seasons (watering, budding, blooms, pruning), in celebrating progress! I’ve been telling everyone about it!!! So I’m telling you too…listen to it! I promise it will be a blessing to you!

-That night after I was finished gardening, potting, planting, mulching Michael got home from a late night meeting and at this point it was pitch black out. But I was proud and eager to show him my handiwork! So what did I do? Pull out my cell phone flashlight and lead him by hand to each section of course! Hehehe That didn’t stop me from showing him all over again in the light the next morning! 😉 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again–you’re a good man Michael Morefield!

-So basically if you are head over heels in love with golden hour light (rep-re-sent!) you should totally check out this session! Brooke’s anthropology dress, the bridge, the love! Seriously. Do it!

-And if INCREDIBLE vine covered walls are your thing, or soft light by the water (yes, a dog is included!) you should check out this session!

-Moose is barking at a dad pushing a stroller. Oh dear. We have much to teach him.

-Also, I’m getting hungry and going all out for dinner tonight. (<— That right there. That was sarcasm. I have a bagged salad). I’m eating healthy mostly because friends are coming over tonight and we’re going to hang out on the patio; bistro lights, bon fire, and s’mores all included! Did you catch the s’mores included? Yep. Hence the salad. My sister would be proud.

Well…it might not have been a masterpiece this week, but come back next Thursday and I’m going to promise you something real nice!
Most likely. (Or maybe just another post like this! It’s too soon to say….)

Photos by the awesome: The Grays Photography
You rock Briana! 😉