Wisdom, Wit & Whatnot | Volume Sixteen

Has it really been since DECEMBER since I wrote one of these????? (Yes, you remember. The inner workings of a photographers brain when trying to get holiday cards! Hahah!)

Well, since then lots has happened. But let’s talk about not walking.

If you follow along on Instagram you know that I’ve had sesamoiditis in both my feet. Yes both. “What in the world is that?” You may be asking yourself. I would respond with something you never want to get! But seriously? It’s inflammation of the sesamoid bone (right below your big toe). Because of that:

1) Medical bills. Hello specialist visits, steroid shots, special inserts, x-rays, anti-inflammatory creams etc etc etc.
2) All exercise stopped. (And I began going crazy). When healing has to take place in both feet that means no more walking, squats, planks—anything that puts pressure on that section of your feet! You got it. Basically everything.
3) Until about three months into the healing process when the doctor released me to do non-impact exercises! (Cheering all around!!!) Enter biking! My new favorite hobby!
4) I realized on another, deeper level how awesome my husband! He brought me ice when I was on the couch down for the count, he carried me around the house, he listened patiently to me during all my woes.
5) I learned healing takes time. And a heck of a lot of patience.
6) Also, tennis shoes. I’ve lived in them. For real. LIVED. IN. THEM! No barefoot allowed even in the house. (Again, placement of the bone and how it heals).
7) In even a small way like this crazy section of our lives, God’s reminding me that His timing is always good! (All of this happened during my photography off season!)

Anyways, basically this.
Bone inflammation -> Sad Lacey -> Immobile Lacey -> Lots of Bills -> Awesome Husband -> Little Life Lessons -> Slow Healing -> New Hobby -> Finding the Good in the Midst of it All -> Reminding You to Do the Same -> Over and Out