Wisdom, Wit & What Not | Volume Three

If you missed the last two week’s of Wisdom, Wit & What Not (ohhhh buddy you’re in for a treat!) Click here for VOLUME ONE and here for VOLUME TWO! And onward we go!

-Moose lost his first tooth this week! (And then five more! Go baby, go!)  #mybabyisgrowingup #typicaldogmama #what #youdbethiswaytoo #atleastididntkeepitforascrapbook

-So, little known fact I went to a private high school and my hubby went to a public one. It’s the ongoing joke between us when I don’t know what the heck someone is talking about he says, “Oh, my private high school wife.” WELL OH HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED! This week I was talking about butter braids (you know, what you sell to fund raise money??) And Michael didn’t know what in the world they were!! HAHAH! FINALLY I got to say, “Oh, my public high school husband.” So yeah. That happened.

-My younger brother (“the pilot” but seriously. He is), got a trip here for a few hours Thursday night!! *Happy dances all around!!* I made him a home cooked meal (something he doesn’t get often–yep, traveling bachelor. Traveling = eats out all the time. Bachelor = doesn’t cook much). Then I went to the airport with him. Well APPARENTLY, the wealthy men he was flying around thought I was his date. HAHAHAH! Conner politely let them in on the fact that I was his SISTER! #awkward (And definitely humorous!)

-9:30 one late, stormy night Michael walked in the door. I quickly convinced him to walk right back out. Anything for a late night Sonic Blast. And that is the end of my tale.

-Shatto Milk (KC peps rep-re-SENT!) Coffee flavor is, hands down, THE BEST. So much so I drank almost a whole half gallon by myself. In two days. Stop judging. It’s “milk,” right??

-Our packing saga continues (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, please refer back to Volume Two). Right now I’m sitting in our picture frameless walls (breaks my photographers heart), surrounded by boxes. Oh and a teddy bear that is probably bigger than me! Yes. You read that right. He was a Valentine’s Day gift from my love a few years back. And yes-we’ve moved him from state to state, from basement to closet. Secretly I think he knows he’s the most impractical gift that could be given to a person….but I keep him around because he’s just so FLUFFY! He currently sits at the top of the mountain of boxes-front and center of our living room-and of course I can’t be certain, but if I had to guess, I’d say right about now he’s thinking it’s all been worth it.

-On a slight side note, this week the discussion arose around the topic of hoarders. My husband oh so gently told me I was, in fact, a clothes hoarder. In an act of rebellion against his statement I decided to purge my closet! Three huge black trash bags later and a plethora of hangers that I can now choose from, I’ll finally own it. Yes Michael. You were right.

-A side note to the last side notes side note: We also found GIFT CARDS! Like I’m not even kidding you! Four gift cards and $100!!! (Maybe we should move more often??! No. Definitely not. No. No. No).

-So we decided to take advantage of a free date night! Also, I discovered even if I know I’m not going to eat the leftovers I always bring them home because I feel bad telling the waiter I don’t want them. What? I don’t like hurting anyone’s feelings. #peoplepleaserproblems

-This Sunday we had our monthly 20-30’s lunch out with our church! I’m loving this group of friends!!! Sometimes it’s hard for me to remember that life isn’t all about work (which is especially difficult when my plate is stacked twenty stories high of things I need to get done), but dare I say it’s about relationships! So true yet so hard to remember sometimes! It’s about doing life with people. Needless to say, a picnic in the park filled with frisbee, games and laughter was exactly what my heart needed!

-I had a revelation recently. I was getting my haircut and my stylist and I were talking about what Michael does and then she says, “So, you’re a pastors wife!” I had this moment where I was all like….oh yeah. I am! How strange!! Probably because I just see myself as another person who doesn’t have her life together and needs Jesus more than anything! Anyways….that little intro to say…..

-Michael preached this last week and oh did the Lord have some stuff to work in my heart!! Like do I put my worth in recognition, wealth, social status, looks (you fill in the blank)? Where is Jesus on my priority list? The more I listened the more I realized (again) how much I need a Savior. But oh that’s the beauty of the Gospel! Less of me, more of Him. Can I get an amen??

-Moose had his monthly check up and shots on Monday! Every time we go in the vet can’t believe how much he’s growing!!! Last month she was estimating he’ll be 50-60 lbs and this month–this month guys she thinks he’ll be 70-80 lbs fully grown!!! OH BUDDY! We got a big boy on our hands!!! (We’ll keep you posted…)

-Spontaneous movie night with some friends = Michael and I buying five boxes of candy! What? We like to be prepared.

-Also completely unrelated, I started working out again. Not like my sister (if anyone knows her you’d understand. She’s a beast when it comes to these things), but it’s all about getting started right? Hahah….okay. And keeping up with it. Discipline Lacey. Discipline. (Self pep talks always work).

So there you have it! We’re almost a month into this new series! (Party time!) Just a little foreshadowing here….the next two weeks are going to be SOMETHING ELSE! Here’s a taste of what it’ll look like…..engagement shoots, closing on our house, packing, moving, Michael’s sisters wedding, my business rebranding big reveal, new website, new logo design and ONE CRAZY LACEY! (See you soon friends! I’m sure they’ll be stories galore!)