Undeniable God | Our Adoption Story

If you’re just joining our story, read these first:
Infertility to Adoption | The Backstory:
The Journey We Never Thought We’d Take, Part One
The Journey We Never Thought We’d Take, Part Two
We’re Adopting! Part Three

Our Adoption Story:
The Wait Ends
When the Phone Rings

“….Your profile has been chosen….”

I want to turn back the hands of time in our story just a few hours before we heard those five words that changed the trajectory of our lives and family forever.

That very same morning I woke up discouraged. My heart was heavy and fatigued and what seemed like a hundred questions we’d never get answers to continually whispered hopelessness to my thoughts. I did what I knew I needed. I pulled out my phone and sent a prayer request to a few of my dear friends.

If you don’t already, find those people who will rally with you and alongside you (no matter the state you’re in), fall to their knees for you and lift you when you don’t feel you can. My people. My prayer warriors. They entered at so many different pinpoints of our story on our behalf. This morning was no different.

I felt the weight especially heavy that day for whatever reason. The unknown in when our family would grow and the very real and tangible knowledge that there was absolutely nothing I could do in this season but wait and trust and pray (and pray some more). I felt unsure of how our finances for adoption would pan out and how we would ever pay them. I felt the heaviness of the $8500 we had put on our credit card to move to the live list. I felt the deep desire (again) for a child. One question mark after another seemed to stamp onto my heart.

God didn’t have to, but that very same morning He decided to enter into our story in one of the biggest, most undeniable displays of His presence in our lives and provision for our family that I’ve ever seen or could have ever fathomed.

I sent the text.

And then we found out a grant for $3000 that we had posted to social media had–in just one night–been fully matched (many of you reading this were a part of that answer to prayer) which meant in less than 24 hours we had $6000. Then we added another gift of $4000 making $10,000.

I’m not making this up.
Our God is undeniable.
And He didn’t stop there.

Michael came home for lunch and (in ways only our God could weave and work and make happen) we found out about another $12,000! You read that right, twelve THOUSAND!

We looked at each other and could hardly speak.

So, in but a few hours, God provided $22,000! TWENTY TWO THOUSAND!

Oh sweet friends, where God leads His people, He will go before and behind and lay His hand upon you! He will care for you. He will provide for you. He will show up!

And that twenty two thousand? It covered the $8500 on our credit cards….and the next three payments that we knew were coming!! I could cry again just thinking about the ways God went out of His way to erase those stamps from my heart and whisper over me, “I am here.”

And then our agency called with those five words,
“Your profile has been chosen.”

God’s timing is perfect friends.

I don’t know what your story is tonight, but may this page from ours remind you that God is perfect in all His ways and kind in all His works. May it wash peace over your worried soul and circumstances. May it direct your eyes from what lays before and back up to Who reigns above…