August 18, 2023

Seasons change and homes change. States change and rhythms change. But family-family remains constant. The people you can count on. Your people. The ones you grow with and become alongside. Your boys. Your husband. Somehow changing but ever remaining constant. Your stable, steady, perpetual consistency.Family. Lacey is a newborn photographer located in Kansas City, Overland […]

August 15, 2023

The journey led here.With her in your arms. The tears, the longing, the sacrifice. The long nights of unknown…straight to your daughter. A husband kind and loyal. Faithful without wavering by your side. And you…Oh beautiful mama. You are unrelenting in the fight. You are strength and tenderness. Leaving selfishness behind without a thought to […]

August 3, 2023

There is nothing quite so sweet as watching not just your babies grow over their first year, but watching you grow as parents. The process of becoming, of belonging, of blooming. It’s truly breathtaking. The journey I quietly walk beside you, ready to photograph the beauty that already is…but is just waiting to be seen. […]

July 21, 2023

It all seemed so natural. Their love, parenthood, holding their daughter in their arms. Unrushed and unhurried, with such tenderness and ease. There was this sweet sense of familiarity, like they had been caring for their daughter for years. I think some was innate, but most grew from the depth of their affection for the […]

July 18, 2023

It wasn’t that it hadn’t happened before. It was that it had happened too many times before. That same place.Like taking a deep breath in and holding it, then realizing it was the breathing back out that was the problem. My cycle should have started, but it hadn’t. So day after day I’d climb into […]

June 17, 2023

At the start of a new chapter.You turn the page and feel awe and wonder and maybe unknown. Where fear could begin, instead you look back at the pages before and remember where you’ve been. You remember the person you married. Their love. Their resolve. Who they’ve always been and who you’ve watched the become. […]

June 16, 2023

Life is often wrapped up in surprises.And sometimes, they come in sets of two. One sweet baby boy and one sweet baby girl gifted at once, your home swelling with life and blessing, your son eager in his new role as older brother. You watch your husband step beside you and care. You wonder at […]

June 14, 2023

When one love swells to two something unexplainable happens in your heart. It’s breathtaking and extraordinary and magnificent all at once. Where the demands of two little lives beat outside your own, you’re exhausted and simultaneously happy all at once. You don’t know how it’s possible, but it is. In a day, life seems forever […]

May 19, 2023

You don’t often have to look too far for your most treasured gifts.Most of the time it just takes slow intentionality. The gift of time.Evenings spent laughing while chasing little legs. It takes getting down on their level and seeing the world through their eyes.Sometimes it’ll surprise you…the joy from something as simple as ducklings […]

May 5, 2023

It wasn’t just a quiet place hidden in the curves and turns of a walking trail. It wasn’t just golden wheat undisturbed or giant trees dressing themselves for Spring. It was her secret place.The place she walked each day, the place she spent with Jesus. The place she talked and the place she didn’t need […]